FMCSA Updates SMS Website, Less Than Three Months Left to Meet Clearinghouse Annual Query Requirement

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FMCSA published on October 09, 2020

Updates SMS Website

FMCSA has updated the SMS Website with the September 25, 2020 results. With this snapshot, FMCSA has aligned the violations used in SMS to reflect the latest changes to violations recorded as part of the roadside inspection program. A summary of the violation changes is available in the SMS Appendix A spreadsheet.

Complete SMS results are available to enforcement users and motor carriers that are logged into the SMS Website.

Three Months Left to Meet Clearinghouse Annual Query Requirement

If an employer has not yet conducted queries in the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse on any CDL drivers they currently employ, time is running out. The deadline to meet the annual query requirement § 382.701, is January 5, 2021.

This annual query requirement is tracked on a rolling 12-month basis. For instance, if an employer conducts a query of a CDL driver on October 9, 2020, the employer will not need to query that driver again until October 9, 2021.

Employers must purchase a query plan to ensure they, and their designated consortia/third-party administrators (C/TPAs), can conduct queries on prospective and current drivers. Learn more about query plans.

Be sure to register for the Clearinghouse and conduct your annual queries today. To learn more, download the queries and consent requests factsheet.

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